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Crypto Gifts and Donations: Tax Rules to Keep in Mind

Updated: May 30

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Crypt taxes

The rise of cryptocurrencies has revolutionized the financial landscape, offering a decentralized alternative to traditional currencies. As the adoption of digital currencies like Bitcoin and Ethereum grows, so does their use in various financial transactions, including gifting and charitable donations. However, the tax implications of these transactions remain a complex area for many. This article aims to shed light on the tax rules surrounding crypto gifts and donations, however before we dive in, always remember that cryptocurrency regulations are complex and can change. This article provides a general overview and is not intended as tax advice. Always consult with a tax professional regarding your specific circumstances.

Introduction to Crypto Gifts and Donations

Cryptocurrencies, once the domain of tech enthusiasts, have now entered mainstream consciousness. As their popularity grows, so does their application. Beyond trading and investing, cryptocurrencies are now being used for gifting to loved ones or donating to charitable causes. But how does the taxman view these transactions?

Cryptocurrency: More Than Just Digital Money

Before diving into the tax specifics, it's essential to understand how the IRS perceives cryptocurrencies. Unlike traditional currencies, the IRS does not view crypto as money. Instead, it's treated as property, much like real estate or stocks. This classification has profound implications for how crypto transactions, including gifts and donations, are taxed.

Gifting Cryptocurrency: The Basics

Gifting, in the eyes of the IRS, is a transfer of property. Here's what you need to know:

  • No Immediate Tax for the Giver: The act of gifting cryptocurrency doesn't trigger a taxable event for the giver. This means you won't owe capital gains tax on the appreciation of the crypto at the time of the gift.

  • Recipient's Tax Implications: The person receiving the gift inherits the giver's cost basis and holding period. If they decide to sell the cryptocurrency later, they'll calculate their gain or loss based on this inherited cost basis.

  • Gift Tax Considerations: For cryptocurrency, the value of the gift is determined by its fair market value on the day of the gift.

Donating Cryptocurrency: A Generous Gesture with Tax Benefits

Donating cryptocurrency to a qualified charitable organization can be a win-win:

  • Tax Deduction Benefits: If you itemize deductions on your tax return, you can claim a deduction equivalent to the fair market value of the donated cryptocurrency. This can significantly reduce your taxable income.

  • Bypassing Capital Gains Tax: By donating cryptocurrency directly, you sidestep the capital gains tax you would have incurred had you sold the crypto and then donated the resulting cash.

  • Valuation Matters: For tax purposes, the donation's value is based on the cryptocurrency's fair market value on the day you make the donation.

Record-Keeping: An Essential Practice

Given the scrutiny cryptocurrency transactions face, maintaining meticulous records is paramount. Ensure you document:

  • Date and Value: Record the date of the gift or donation and the cryptocurrency's fair market value on that day.

  • Recipient Details: For gifts, note down the recipient's name and relationship to you. For donations, keep a record of the charity's name and address.

  • Original Purchase Information: Document your original cost basis and the date you acquired the cryptocurrency. This information is crucial for the recipient in case they decide to sell later.

Navigating Potential Pitfalls

  • The Wash Sale Rule: This rule, while explicitly mentioned for stocks and securities, might be a gray area for crypto. It prevents claiming a loss on a sale and then repurchasing a "substantially identical" asset within 30 days. If you're considering repurchasing crypto after gifting or donating, consult a tax professional.

  • Choosing the Right Crypto: If donating, consider cryptocurrencies that have appreciated the most. This approach maximizes your tax benefits.

The Global Perspective

While this guide focuses on U.S. tax implications, it's worth noting that cryptocurrency regulations vary worldwide. Some countries treat crypto as money, while others view it as property, and still, others have banned its use entirely. If you're involved in international crypto transactions, it's essential to be aware of the global landscape.

The Future of Crypto Gifting and Donations

As the regulatory environment around cryptocurrency evolves, so will the rules governing gifting and donations. Staying updated on these changes is crucial for anyone considering such transactions.


Cryptocurrency offers a modern way to gift and donate, but it comes with its unique set of tax implications. By understanding these rules and keeping detailed records, you can ensure you're compliant with the IRS while maximizing your tax benefits.

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